A good draft of mixed aged Brahman Cows, 50% Red & 50% Grey.

20 young Cows mostly 1st Calf, 18 x 5 & 6 years, 2 x 8 years.

All in Calf to Red & Grey Brahman Bulls.

Good forward condition, all ex. Stud Cows.

Vendor would consider a delivery within reason close by if required.

With 1 fresh Calf at foot many of the Cows are starting to spring in Calf.



David Buckley

M: 0448 010 162

E: office@qldrural.com.au

Type of Livestock Cattle
Number of Head 40
Transaction Type Sale
Sex Cows
Breed Red & Grey Brahman
Age 2 - 8 years: 50% younger cows on 1st calf, 40% 5 & 6 years & 10% 8 years
Price $1,000.00 p/hd + GST
Pregnancy Station Mated to Brahman Bulls
Weight: Low 300kg
Weight: High 550kg
Weight: Average 400kg
Condition Forward Condition
Horn Status Horn with a % of Dehorned & Poll
Tick Status Ticky
HGP Status HGP Free
Vendor Bred Yes
Delivery Point On Property
Location Kennedy Hwy, South of Atherton (Will consider a delivery within 100km radius)
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